Security for automobile sales centre
The pacularitiy of the automobile sales centre's security are the next measures:
- - providing and maintenance public peace and set ordinary routine;
- - examination and acceptance under the guard the apartments, cars on parking and show-room in the end of automobile sales centre;
- - the security staff duties are to know the amount of cars being under the guard, their external state, conduction of account of their movement;
- - organization of the clear check-point of employees, visitors and motor transport;
- - documentary and face-control of employees and visitors;
- - conduction the control under employee's arrival of automobile sales centre on work;
- - control for entrance and departure of motor transport on territory of object;
- - suppression of unauthorized bearing-out of documents and property;
- - control for parking of arriving customer's motor transport, employees of automobile sales centre, in obedience to ratified places for parking;
- - fetching fire-company in the case of fire at the object, to take measures on evacuation of visitors and extinguishing of fire;
- - compliance of business ethics and culture with the employees of automobile sales centre, buyers and customers;
- - abidance by the guard staff the set equipment and form of clothes;
- - observance of commercial secret in relation with customers, methods of work, technical decisions, problems, technologies, internal documents, etc;
- - exploitation and maintenance of the videosupervision systems, control of access to the object and guard signalization.
Uniform for the guard staff:
- - Shirt - dark blue color;
- - Tie - black;
- - Trousers - black;
- - Shoes - black;
- - Badge with pointing position;
- - Sweater (in an automn-winter period) - black.
Equipment of the guard:
According to agreement
"About providing security services"it is specified
the material responsibility of PC "Kharkov Guard Enterprise" in amout of 100000,00 UAH.Trust your safety to professionals!